Racheli Firm: we have been protecting your IP assets since 1925
We are an industrial and intellectual property consultancy firm founded in Milan in 1925. We provide services in Italy and abroad, including through a selected network of consultants and correspondents.
Working with experienced and skilled professionals, we assist each client in solving problems and defining strategies for the communication and commercial exploitation of intangible assets, for the development and marketing of goods, services, and processes.

Racheli, Your Partner in IP Protection Since 1925
We provide a wide range of consultancy services and assistance in the registration of patents, designs, trademarks, domain names, and of intellectual works, at the national level in any country, and internationally including in the European Union.
We currently manage thousands of patents related to various fields of technology and more than 20,000 trademarks, through a constantly updated IP ON-LINE system.
Both in Italy and abroad, in cooperation with other categories of professionals, we provide various professional services for the protection of patents, designs, trademarks, domain names, copyrights. We provide opinions and technical advice in civil and criminal cases and litigations.
Thanks to our long-standing collaboration with law firms of consolidated experience and expertise in the IP sector, we guarantee comprehensive and integrated IP protection and assist our clients in extrajudicial and judicial protection of IP assets, domain name reassignment procedures, know-how protection, contractual negotiations, including international ones, industrial due diligence, economic valuation of intangible assets, consultancy in the field of incentivized innovation, and IP strategic consultancy.

Our Mission
We offer professional and competent global protection services for intangible assets, aimed at the definition and shared management of a successful strategy.
We contribute to promoting and disseminating a culture of Innovation, through the publication of news articles and the participation in meetings, seminars, and webinars for our clients.
Our experience of nearly 100 years of service
constitutes a guarantee of high reliability.
Our Team
One of Racheli’s biggest strengths is our team of qualified professionals and assistants with many years of experience.
Our professionals are:
- Graduates in electronic and chemical engineering, experts in patenting inventions, including prior art searching. in the fields of mechanics, electrical engineering, electronics, and industrial chemistry, as well as in the field of industrial design; also qualified representatives before the Italian Patent and Trademark Office, the European Union Office for Intellectual Property (industrial design section) and the European Patent Office.
- Graduates in law, political sciences, and foreign languages, expert consultants in the registration and protection of trademarks, domain names, copyrights, also qualified representatives before the Italian Patent and Trademark Office and the European Union Office for Intellectual Property (trademarks and industrial designs sections).
Our assistants are graduates in foreign languages, law, economics, computer science, and humanities, with a proven experience in the field.
In addition to being members of the respective professional associations and registers, our professionals are also registered with and active in many Intellectual Property Associations in Italy and abroad such as:
- Order of Italian Industrial Property Consultants
- Italian College of Industrial Property Consultants (FICPI)
- International Trademark Association (INTA)
- Association International pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (AIPPI)
- Licensing Executives Society (LES).