IP Rights on the Web

We protect and enforce your exclusive Rights on the Web

We manage the protection of exclusive rights on the web, from the registration of domain names corresponding to house trademarks in various countries around the world, to online watching instrumental to brand protection in the virtual world.

Racheli assists its clients in defining the strategy for protecting their property rights on the web, primarily through the registration of generic and geographic top-level domain names, containing a second-level domain corresponding to the house trademark and trade name, in Italy and in the countries of current or potential business, as well as through the creation of their company’s social media accounts to go along with their official/corporate website.

We provide consultancy and assistance to protect in an integrated way the client’s exclusive rights, in the digital world, web, and social marketplace, through evolved and updated web strategies and technologies.

IP Rights on the Web Services

Domain names Searches

Before applying for registration of a domain name, we carry out in Italy and abroad searches among domains already registered on the various registries.
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Domain names Registration

We support our clients with registration procedures in Italy and worldwide.
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Domain names Maintenance

We monitor our clients’ domains in Italy and worldwide, notifying you in good time of the payment deadlines of maintenance fees.
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Domain names Online Surveillance

We activate web surveillance services to protect our clients’ brands and businesses.
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Domain names Defence

We support our clients in reassignment procedures and in the civil, criminal, extrajudicial, and judicial defence of their rights on the web, in marketplaces, and social media, in cooperation with companies and outside attorneys specialised in this field.
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Domain names Contract Drafting

We draft all types of contracts related to domain names, in consultation with trusted outside attorneys.
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To know more about IP Rights on the Web

The domain name is an independent, atypical distinctive sign. It is prohibited to register a trademark in Italy to that is identical or confusingly similar to a business, company or trade name, or domain name used in the trade, that is already known to the relevant public, wheresuch reputation has more than local significance.

Likewise, it is prohibited to adopt a business, company or trade name, or domain name used in the trade, that is identical or similar to a third-party trademark, where a likelihood of confusion may arise. Therefore, before registering a domain name it is advisable to check the availability by means of special integrated prior searches between company names, trademarks, and domain names.

Domain name registration is guided by two basic principles: the “first come, first served” principle, under which the domain name is assigned to the first user who applies for it, and the principle of domain uniqueness, under which once a domain is assigned no one else will be able to register and use it, as it is not technically possible for two identical domains to exist. A domain name can be registered by both legal and natural persons.

Registries require a declaration made by the registrant of assumption of full civil and criminal liability in the use of the domain name.

We manage the registration of domain names all over the world, assisting our clients in the registration procedure according to the different requirements, modalities, and terms, provided by the various competent bodies and offices. We guarantee, where mandatorily required, the possibility of assigning the domain name to a local entity; we can also offer this service complete with redirection of the new domain to the official website or other website chosen by the client.

The rapid evolution of online communication and the use by a steadily growing number users of internet, e-commerce platforms, and social networks, have revolutionized the web world, becoming a great opportunity for companies. However, this evolution has resulted in the emergence of multiple forms of counterfeiting of intellectual and industrial property rights, of patents, trademarks, designs, copyrighted works, images, photographs, etc. Online counterfeiting takes various forms, the most prevalent being:
  • cybersquatting i.e., the unlawful registration of domain names corresponding to third-party trademarks and other distinctive signs (trade, business and company names, personal names), used for the promotion and marketing of counterfeit products;
  • typo squatting i.e., the registration as domain names of trademarks or domain names of others with typos or typing errors in order to redirect traffic;
  • the use of a third party’s trademark as a keyword or the inclusion of the same in the metadata of a site, in order to divert Internet traffic from the site of another’s trademark to one’s own in order to increase accesses and the value of the site itself, the use of another’s trademark as a keyword as part of a paid service that ensures in the search phase a better positioning on the network of the sponsored link (i. e. Google’s AdWords);
  • the disparaging use of someone else’s trademark within forums, blogs, discussion sites;
  • the parasitic use of patented products and processes, designs, images and photographs of others within the scope of one’s own site, etc.
By activating an integrated web surveillance service of domain names, trademarks, drawings and designs on the Internet, on social networks marketplaces (e-commerce websites), apps and NFTs, through constant monitoring of the network, it is possible to become promptly aware of possible violations aimed at the unlawful exploitation of one’s intellectual and industrial property rights. Moreover, by swiftly implementing legal enforcement measures, it is possible to limit the economic damage, as well as the image and reputational damage to one’s company and brand. Social networks also provide users with tools for reporting violations resulting in the removal of disputed pages.