We work with our clients in defining an integrated protection strategy for their copyrights and to assist them at all stages, from the analysis aimed at identifying the copyright to be protected and the types of protection to be activated, from the description of the work to be protected, to the drafting of the documentation required for filing, to the judicial, extrajudicial, civil, and criminal defence of copyrights, to the asset and financial valorisation, and finally to the setting of the strategy for the enhancement, development and economic exploitation of exclusive rights.
We provide advice on protecting copyrights in all areas of creativity and ingenuity including in the digital, on the web, and on social networks.
All of the aforementioned works may be filed for recordal purposes with the SIAE (the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers, commonly known by its acronym SIAE, is the Italian copyright collecting agency) or with the Ministry of Culture in the Public Register of Protected Works, and their filing does not have constitutive effect of the right but represents, in benefit of the depositor or otherwise of those entitled, a certain proof of the existence of the work itself, as of the date of filing.
Acceptance of the filing does not entail any evaluation or recognition of the work’s protectability requirements under the Copyright Law. The SIAE or the Ministry, merely keeps the filed works in its archives, placed in sealed envelopes, and issues a certificate showing the recordal number assigned to the file.
We assist our clients in recording all unpublished works at the SIAE (the Italian Society of Authors and Publishers), in the OLAF Register, or at the Italian Ministry of Culture, in the General Public Register of Protected Works (R.P.G.).
The recordal lasts for five years and can be renewed for an additional period of equal duration, if the work has not been published during the first five-year period.
We train and follow our clients in the activation and maintenance of a proper procedure of documentation preservation so that, if necessary, we can prove the certain date of creation and authorship of the protected work, based on organizational criteria in accordance with business needs.
We take care of the filing, even abroad, of protected works, according to the different requirements, methods, and deadlines required by the various relevant institutions and offices.
We activate online watching services, in collaboration with digital service providers who use special proprietary technologies aimed at tracking and monitoring the presence/use of protected works on the internet and on social networks.
Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale e Intellettuale
Consultants In Intellectual Property
Tel. +39.02.480681
Fax. +39.02.48008343 - +39.02.48002648
E-mail: racheli@racheli.it
Cod. Fisc. P.IVA - VAT REG. N. 09899330154